25 June 2013

Hill Country: Bexar Goods Co.

Well, I'm in love. 
 Want every single bag, bracelet, collar, and leash from Bexar Goods Co.
 If you're in Austin this Thursday, June 27, then stop in HELM Boots from 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
 You can watch the Bexar guys complete one of their leather bags while sipping on beer by Hops and Grain. 

20 June 2013

Anteks: Jason Lenox Pendleton blankets

There's little that Anteks owner Jason Lenox can do wrong. I've written about him before, most recently in the April issue of Texas Monthly when I feature one of his J Alexander turquoise-embedded silver boxes.
 Now he's onto something new and I'm flipping. He's taken a Pendleton design and backed it with coyote. I've never seen a more chic take on a throw. I can so see myself wrapped up in one of these under the stars.